Monday, July 28, 2008


I was thinking today about friendship. Friendship is so relevant to the lives of every person in the world today. Everyone has a friend or wants a friend or needs a friend. Everyone has this kinda preconceived idea about what being a friend means. My whole life I've struggled with friendship. I mean it's not like I didn't have people that claimed to be my friend it's just that it seemed so empty to me. I've always longed for that friend that sticks closer than a brother. It's funny how God works, just when I had given up on ever finding that friendship He gives me someone that defines friendship for me. She makes clear what I never really knew before… what friendship really is. FRIENDSHIP is comparing basketball wounds. FRIENDSHIP is being content just lying in bed watching Jeopardy. FRIENDSHIP is not letting each other give up on life. FRIENDSHIP is rockin' out to John Meyer. FRIENDSHIP is driving 30 minutes just to hang out. FRIENDSHIP is being confused about God together. FRIENDSHIP is fishing off the back of a four wheeler. FRIENDSHIP is feeling each other's pain. FRIENDSHIP is seeing each other at your best and worst. FRIENDSHIP is being honest. FRIENDSHIP is knowing exactly how they feel just by reading a text message. FRIENDSHIP is having inside jokes that no one else understands. FRIENDSHIP is loving like bananas. FRIENDSHIP is knowing that you're there for one another 24/7. FRIENDSHIP is sacrificing for one another. FRIENDSHIP is finding that your weakness is what makes you strong. I thank God everyday for this friendship.

Proverbs 18:24 (the message)
Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.

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