Monday, September 15, 2008

Bring A Towel...

I’m curious as to the thought process behind people who say one thing and do another. I’m not sure if they do it purposefully or they are just that ignorant to how much it hurts others around them. I’ve seen a lot of hypocrisy, sadly from growing up in the church, and it never ceases to baffle me how they think it’s ok. It irritates me more than I will ever be able to put down on paper. I understand that it’s hard being vulnerable, really I do. It’s my biggest weakness, but there is a difference between putting up a wall and lying to those around you. I rather be shut out completely than told a lie and get caught believing it, only to find out that it was all a muse in the first place. Show you’re weakness! Be human! It’s not that bad; I will respect you so much more. Messiness is part of being a human. It’s going to happen if you’re passionately following Christ. See, because if you run long enough, far enough, with enough passion, on a rocky road, you are eventually going to trip and get scraped up a little bit. Falling is ok! Jesus loved the messy! Think about who he hung out with on a regular basis… the sinners. The religious guys hated it. Jesus didn’t care he loved them because they were his. Don’t you see? That’s what it’s all about- HIM! Being a wonderfully crafted beautiful creation of Christ is not about being perfect at all. It’s about embracing your messiness, grabbing a handful of paper towels, and taking off at full speed after Christ. I hope you do trip up sometimes too, because every strawberry on your leg will remind you of how imperfect you really are and how much more you must rely on Christ. He’s the janitor that comes in and cleans up after you laughing all the way and saying to you, “O you messy, messy child, I love to watch you grow.” Be a messy mistake maker. Don’t worry, I’ll bring a towel.

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