Monday, July 28, 2008

On A Bus With Jesus

I was on my way home from a basketball tournament/ retreat in Whitney, one of the three who were left to ride home on the bus. I was sore in just about every place imaginable and too tired to even think about moving. I sat for a while in the silence looking around me. There were half-overflowing sports bags in the seats, discarded athletic tape from taping up ankles cluttering the floor and two lumps that resembled my teammates huddled under blankets. It was a fairly common view for me, rounding my 6th year of school basketball, but today was different. Lately my spirit has been so restless, longing for something more. This scene showed me my life, the mixture of priorities. I plugged my ipod into my ears, scrolled down to the “worship” playlist, laid my head against the back of the seat, and closed my eyes just taking in the music. The song “You’re Everything” by David Crowder started playing and as I listened to the words tears started running down my cheeks.

You're everything
I could want
That I could need
If I could see
You want me
Could I believe?
'Cause You're perfectly
All I want, all I need
If I could just feel You're touch
Could I be free?
Why do You shine so?
Can a blind man see?
Why do You call?
Do You beckon me?
Can the deaf hear the voice of love?
Would You have me come?
Can the cripple run?
Are You the one?

To raise me up
From this grave
Touch my tongue
And then I'll sing
Heal my limbs
Then joyfully I'll run to You

He’s everything. The eyes we see with, the ears we hear with, the legs we run with, the voice we sing with, the heart we love with, He’s everything. He’s all I need. Jesus was on that bus with me. We worshiped together.

Romans 5:17 (the message)
If death got the upper hand through one man's wrongdoing, can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one man Jesus Christ provides?

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