Monday, July 28, 2008

Comforting Darkness

Do you ever have those days where when you finally get to bed you completely and totally collapse onto your pillow? Basketball season is in full swing and this past weekend I had a basketball tournament. When I finally got to bed last night I was so relieved. I remember thinking before I crawled into bed… man this room is a mess; I should clean this junk up! - Ah well it can wait. Once that light went off I didn’t care any more; I couldn’t see it, couldn’t feel it, and I was tired. I was lying there contentedly in the darkness when all of the sudden I realized… I forgot to turn my printer off! My printer has this annoying little green light on it that flashes rhythmically. Well you know, it wouldn’t really matter during the day because you could barely see it but in the pitch black of my room it looked liked a strobe light going off. I was so tired and comfortable and I was thinking to myself… that is so annoying but I REALLY don’t feel like getting up! So, I tossed and turned for a while, trying to ignore it, but eventually it irritated me to the point where I got out from underneath my soft warm covers and turned it off. I was thinking about this later and I realized… you know that’s really how God is in our walk with him. There is this point that I think we all come to at some time in our walk with him where we find contentedness in the darkness. Life tires us out so much that we just stop fighting. I mean we know there’s junk that we should deal with but we dismiss it because in the darkness we can’t see it, can’t feel it, and we’re tired. It’s here in the pitch blackness of out faith that God’s annoying little green light calls us to get up. It’s always been there, that purpose that God has for us, but in the light we couldn’t see it. We’re lying there, tossing and turning and trying to ignore it, but it just seems to get brighter and brighter. Then eventually we gather up our strength, pick ourselves up, and go toward the light. The thing is it never stops. It’s always there. Waiting for you.

John 1:5 (the message)
The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
the darkness couldn't put it out.

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